On a fall day in 1958, the life of Civitan Services' founder Noel Deer was changed forever. Mr. Deer saw a young boy picking up soda bottles in front of a service station. Mr. Deer asked the boy why he wasn't in school and the boy replied, “They say I'm not smart enough to go to school.” This encounter with this Saline County boy inspired a dream.
For over 50 years, Civitan Services has been a place of care, support, encouragement, learning and most importantly, love for people with developmental disabilities of all ages. Our commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of our clients is deeply rooted in the hearts of all who are a part of Civitan Services, from therapists and teachers, to assistants and volunteers.
The ultimate goal of Civitan Services is to help our clients maximize their potential for independence, and realize accomplishment, personal dignity and success in their lives. Our entire existence is the result of the belief that every individual, regardless of their disability, has choices, goals and dreams. Civitan Services is empowering these individuals to realize their dreams and achieve what they want most out of life.
The history of Civitan Services is a legacy of love and unwavering commitment. In 1958, before the public school system offered special education classes, our community was faced with a need for education and skill training for persons with developmental disabilities.
The Benton Civitan Club recognized that need and founded The Civitan Center, now known as Civitan Services. Our services have developed through the years resulting in a comprehensive program that meets each individual's needs and is managed through one inclusive organization.
Our Mission Statement
To provide quality individualized training and support for children and adults with developmental disabilities in order to help them maximize their potential.
Core Values
- Commitment
- Resources
- Growing
- Innovative
- Compassionate
- Safe
- Serving
- Progressive
- Caring
- Adaptable