Today Civitan Services has programs for children and adults with developmental disabilities in three service areas. To learn more or to find out how to enroll your family member, click on the links below:


Preschool Services

  • Helps children advance to their full potential in all areas of development in preparation for entrance into the public school system.
  • Focuses on both academic and social education.
  • Instruction and therapies are tailored to the child's needs based on the plan developed with their family during enrollment.

Adult Services

  • The Mission is to train and support adults with developmental disabilities towards independence with a person-first approach.
  • Classes taught by experienced professionals.
  • Uses the latest software technology with the deTaso computer program to track and monitor individual progress.
  • Meals and transportation provided, as well as therapy available on campus.

Community Services

  • Helps our clients realize their hopes and dreams and fulfill their own vision of a successful life within the community.
  • Can be combined with full-time or part-time enrollment in Adult Services.
  • Group Home placement that offers a healthy, safe and family-oriented environment.
  • Planned activities and events to encourage social interaction.
  • Offers a chance to work independently in the community through Supported Employment.
  • Case Management services.

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Everyone has the power to change a life. You can change the life of one of the men, women or children living with developmental disabilities in our community.

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