Who is Eligible?
Adults (individuals 18 and over), who have been diagnosed with a developmental disability before the age of 22, are eligible for these specialized services. An individual dually diagnosed with a developmental disability and a mental health disorder may also be eligible. All diagnoses through psychological/adaptive behavior testing should be presented at the time of enrollment.
Our instructors are experienced with and are trained to assist individuals with the following disabilities:
Chromosomal Disorders
Sensory Disorders
Cerebral Palsy
William's Syndrome
Varying ranges of Intellectual Disabilities
How to Apply
Contact Adult Services Coordinator, Emily Cathcart, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set up an appointment for a tour of our facilities. Once the tour is completed, our staff will sit down with you to answer any questions you may have and to fill out an application. After all the documentation is collected, the team will make a recommendation for services and set a start date that is convenient for both the individual and the Adult Services Program.
Download an application here.
Required Documentation
Adult Services Program Application
Current Psychological Evaluation/Adaptive Behavior Evaluation
Copy of Social Security Card
Copies of Medicaid/Medicare Cards
Copies of Insurance Cards
Copy of Driver’s License/Photo ID
Immunization Records
Legal guardianship papers/Power of Attorney papers if the individual is not his/her own guardian
Copy of Diploma or Letter of Completion is required for those under the age of 22
Download an admission's checklist here.