A Peek In My Library: Developmental Disability Reads
I love books. Not e-books really and, if I’m driving a long distance, I can endure audiobooks…but hold it in your hand or check it out from the library, smells like knowledge and entertainment, old school, page turner, books. That being said, I really love books that involve, teach, or educate on developmental disability; and children’s books that make our kiddos with developmental disability feel involved, allow them to see themselves on the pages, and teach those without DD that we are all essentially the same – even though we are presented in different packages.
These resources used to be scarce, if they existed at all. But, thankfully, those days have passed and I wanted to take this blog to share with you some of my very favorites that live in my library so that you might have a look. If you want to listen on audiobook or use your e-reader I won’t judge you one bit…we all learn differently and the key is that we learn! All of these books are available on amazon or at your favorite bookstore and I didn’t receive any payments to endorse these books.
I hope you will take the time to check some of these out and that you enjoy them as much as I do!
Bekka Wilkerson
Director of Community Outreach
Adult Readers
The Way I See It, by Dr. Temple Grandin
In my personal opinion, everything that Dr. Grandin writes about her life is solid gold. The way I see it reads almost like a textbook of her life, how she has maneuvered situations with her Autism Diagnosis; but also how she has taken it upon herself to speak out on the behalf of others who share her experiences. Through her own brand of humor and experience Dr. Grandin gives her readers a birds eye view into life “as she sees it” and it is well worth the read!
A Thorn in My Pocket, by Eustacia Cutler
This book, however, tells a very different story about the life of Dr. Grandin and what it’s like as a parent on the outside looking in. Ms. Cutler represents the world of a parent who receives a diagnosis for her daughter and then learns to navigate this new world that they have been presented. But, this is not just a book for parents; it’s a great read for any and every one!
Resources for Parents
Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid: A Survival Guide for Ordinary Parents of Special Children, by Gina Gallagher and Patricia Konjoian
It’s been a bit since I’ve read this book in its entirety but I skimmed through to a few pages I highlighted as a reminder of why I do (and always will) keep it handy on my bookshelf. In short, I love this book. Even if you are not the parent of a “special child” sometimes you just need to be reminded that nobody is perfect and everyone is fighting their own set of battles. Gallagher and Konjoian blend real life situations with humor and perspective and then serve that up with a little life application in a way that is exactly what you need to hear and when you need to hear it. Go get this book and keep it around – you will thank me!
A Special Kind of Love, by Susan Titus Osborn and Janet Lynn Mitchell
This book is a collection of stories, poems, and words from those who experience life with “special children” on a daily basis. If you need inspiration, someone to commiserate, advice, or a laugh you will find it in this book. This is one of those books that you could put your feet up and thumb through at the end of a hard day to find whatever it is you need to meet your need at that moment. Read and share with those you love.
Young Adult Readers
The Ables Series, by Jeremy Scott
I ran across this series completely by accident and it was absolutely a happy accident. I have never run across a young adult book, much less a series, that focuses 100% on young people with developmental disabilities. More so, one that makes them the heroes of the story! Think X-Men but youth with various disabilities…it’s awesome. This is a fantastic series for all young adult readers but specifically our kiddos who might be struggling to fit in with their own skin. I have personally read book 1 (The Ables) and book 2 (Strings) and I can’t wait to read book 3 (Currents)!
The One and Only Ivan, by Katherine Applegate
This story of an unlikely friendship, while not obviously a disability related read, is a heartwarming tale of hope, love, and defying the obstacles. Not only is it a great read, but who doesn’t enjoy a story where the underdog becomes the hero!
New Readers
The From We Can’t to We Can Series, Written and Illustrated by Trinity Jagdeo
On my way in from work one morning I heard a segment on the Bobby Bones Show about a young girl whose best friend had a developmental disability and had been sick. To show her love for her friend Trinity Jagdeo decided to create a comic book for her friend with Down Syndrome and make her the superhero of the story, and as such, Alice The Ace was born. These comic books are FANTASTIC! Go online and purchase them all today! My collection includes: Alice the Ace, Zappy Zane, and The We Can Squad Saves the Day. Did I mention these are written, illustrated, and edited by teenagers!!! Love!
Children’s Books
Note: Admittedly, children’s books are my absolute favorite. I am only going to give you a couple below but if you have a specific need or situation that a children’s book might be applicable for – I can help you find one! I am a firm believer that if we teach kiddos when they are young that children with disabilities are no different than children without we can head off a lot of issues we have as children mature. Below are my top 3!
What I Like About Me, Written by Allia Zobel-Nolan and Illustrated by Miki Sakamoto
This big board style book is an interactive, touch-and-feel book that celebrates the differences in all of us. It encourages children (of all ages) to celebrate and embrace their differences as things that make them unique and special; it emphasizes the idea that normal is boring and being different is what actually makes us special!
Special People Special Ways, Written by Arlene Maguire and Illustrated by Sheila Bailey
Special People Special ways shares a positive perspective on how each of us is made differently. From how we walk, talk, speak, and even our athletic ability this sing song rhyme style book shines a light on how we are all made uniquely and how each of us uses our unique gifts to make it through each day; and no matter how we look on the outside our hearts are the same!
Don’t Call Me Special: A First Look at Disability, Written by Pat Thomas and Illustrated by Lesley Harker
This book is a great resource for teaching children what it looks like to have a disability; providing opportunities for understanding, application, and education for children of all ages and abilities! From front to back this is truly a look at disability – including a list of resources and further readings!